Continuous Love
There ain’t no way
For me to say what I truly feel
When we came face to face
I felt broken
My heart shattered
My heart faltered to the floor
My soul escaped my cold flesh
Throughout a night of sleeplessness
Insomnia was my new best friend
Can’t control my emotions
They take me on a high for two
Followed by an hour of depression
Just give me five minutes to
Away this hurt that builds
In my heart
In my head
Inside me
I can run away
Down a sandy trail every morning
The endorphins released make
me feel good
Nurtures my physical shape
I may be good on the outside
But I still cry inside
This pain does not make me bleed
Does not cut skin deep
This pain hurts my head
Makes me tear and weep
Love shouldn’t hurt some
But love can hurt
Love does hurt
That’s when you know it’s
It doesn’t escape or leave
just because you said it was over
It transforms into something
I can’t explain
Something I can’t contain
I just know my love for you
is still with me
I can’t stop loving you
Many times I wonder if you feel
the same
you still feel some love for me, too?