Here are some pics that include, my best friend Rob, my sisters and mother. My nephews and my niece.

Above: Me and my best friend Rob; right: my nephews Sy and Chibby; below: Mott and mom; lower right: Lori
and Mott

Left: Jo and Moochie; Right below: Mott, Ash, and Moochie

Below in this column: Mott & Lori, Jo and Moochie, Lori, me and Ash chillin before dinner, then another pic
of Rob and I at his graduation in 2004.

Below in this column: Mott and Ashley, me and Bee, Moochie & Dad, Mott and Bee.

Posing with Ceyshe at her wedding in 2006 |

Posing with Chay at her wedding reception in Atlanta |
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